expanding consciousness
un momento...

Creating software solutions
for the psychedelic community.

Our mission is to create tools for the
field of psychedelic-assisted therapy.
Phases of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Careful intention and integrity must be applied to each step of the process.


For up to 6 months before attending a ceremony or psychedelic-assisted therapy session, participants should educate themselves on the various plant medicines available, and associated risks and benefits.


The duration of a retreat, ceremony or therapy session, participants will need to be guided in the proper manner. Wellness modalities such and yoga, breath work, and particular diet should also be considered.


Psychedelic integration involves taking the learnings from a given session and merging those insights into daily life. Journaling prompts and follow up sessions help participants accommodate new perspectives.


In the particular case of addiction treatment, special care needs to be applied to maintaining sobriety. Support systems and proper training are paramount to this process.

Our Company

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, our team is a collective of entrepreneurs, psychonauts and digital producers.

Our ethos is that of purpose-driven work. We believe that profit is not the best motive, and that the inhabitants of this world need to wake up before it's too late.
State of the Union

No adequate solutions for PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction.

0 million
Mental Illness

Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.8 million, or 18.5%—experiences mental illness in a given year.

0 billion
The Cost of Mental Ilness

Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year.

Our Solutions

some of our product features will include the following

Retreat Profiles

a place to identify the right retreat, including profiles, a booking engine and reviews

AI Guide

our chatbot "Theo", who guides you on a path to the right journey based on preferences

Education & Training

a detailed knowledge base of various protocols for participants and retreat staff

Data Collection

the ability to collect and aggregate opted-in data for future use by researchers

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